Learn English – What does the slang term “Joe Gland” mean


In the 1985 novel Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle I came across the following paragraph:

They took out identification cards. Clybourne glanced at them, but Jenny thought he looked at them superficially. He was much more interested in the visitors than in their papers. Doesn’t miss a detail. Joe Gland, thinks he’s irresistible.

Then a bit later:

They both act that way. Of course. Not Joe Gland, just a Secret Service agent doing his job.

From the context I understood this "Joe Gland" to mean something of a self-important, maybe vain man attempting to look good in front of a woman, but I wasn't entirely sure (it doesn't really make sense), so I checked in Google, and found very little: facebook profiles, the book itself, a tweet and a forum post; so I thought I'd ask it here.

What's a Joe Gland? I suppose it's US slang, popular primarily in the 80s or earlier, or maybe never really widespread. What does it mean, when it was first used, what's its etymology?

Best Answer

Reader's digest did an article series back in 1970 called "I am Joe's Body" One of the installments in the series was titled "I am Joe's Man Gland" Only version I can find on line drops the subsection titles, and merely lists Joe's testis:

I am Joe's left testis. Compared to other glands, I am not bad- looking at all: a glistening, pink-white oval. I weigh four grams and am four centimeters long, two centimeters at my greatest diameter. My function is dual: to manufacture those creators of life, the sperm cells; and to produce the hormone of maleness, testosterone. This chemical assists in construction of muscle, bone and other tissues. It helps shape Joe's mental attitudes as well as his body. But for it, Joe would be soft, flabby, beardless, apathetic.

The title, its derivatives, and the attitudes expressed in the piece became a bit of a pre-internet meme.