Learn English – What does “Where is the 40, homes?” mean


I was watching the show, Sons Of Anarchy. One of the characters said to another character who was Mexican : Where is my 40, homes?

He said it with a Mexican accent and he was pointing at a stylish old car.
I was confused with the meaning of this phrase. Can anyone tell me what this phrase means?

This is the image of the scene.
It is maybe helpful to mention that the other guy had a Ford Pickup and recently has changed his ride. And these two characters are pretty intimate and he is just kidding.
It was in season 6, episode 5

enter image description here

Best Answer

"homes" is almost certainly being used to mean "friend" or "buddy" It's a very common phrase among people speaking Mexican influenced English, so the Mexican accent makes sense.

It is unclear exactly what is meant by "40" in the context of the question. A "40" often refers to a 40 oz bottle of beer or malt liquor, so he might have been looking for that. Or maybe the second guy in the scene owed the speaker $40,000 for the fancy car.

Depending on the tone of voice and body language, "where is my 40, homes" could have been aggressive/threatening, indicating the speaker was upset that he didn't have his money.