Learn English – word for ‘acting impulsively’


I am looking for a single-word verb that means "acting impulsively". For example,

"You can never tell what Harley is going to do. She always [acts impulsively] without thinking things through."

I'd like it to be as generic as possible. "splurge" captures the idea I'm looking for, but the connotations of money don't work for me.

Best Answer

There are a lot of synonyms of impetuous viz - : impulsive, rash, hasty, overhasty, reckless, heedless, foolhardy, incautious, imprudent, injudicious, ill-conceived, ill-considered, unplanned, unreasoned, unthought-out, unthinking; spontaneous, impromptu, spur-of-the-moment, precipitate, precipitous, headlong, hurried, rushed.

None of them are verbs, but perhaps you can derive a verb from one of them - such as she always rushes in without thinking.