Blizzard’s SystemCheck tool doesn’t work

I'm trying to use Blizzard's SystemCheck tool to opt-in for future Blizzard game betas.

When I run it I see a page with my system information, but when I click "send" I get the error:

There was a problem sending your system information to Please check your internet connection, close all applications and try again. For further assistance, please visit

And in addition my browser opens on this page, which looks like an attempt to send me to a support page further explaining the problem, but it's actually just an error page.

The specific tool I am using is named SystemCheck_enUS.exe, downloaded recently from my personal account page on If it makes any difference, I'm running Windows 7 and I'm not located in North America.

Best Answer

If you're using "plus addressing" in your email address, try taking it out. That's what worked for me. Until I made the change, I would get the same exact error as you.

SystemCheck didn't work with:


SystemCheck worked with:
