Diablo – How to avoid succubi


I'm finding the homing shot of succubi quite annoying and I'd rather avoid damage if possible. I still haven't figured out how to avoid getting hit by it, and now that I'm in Hell, the damage is no longer ignorable.

What am I doing wrong, and what can I do differently? I'm asking specifically for barbarian, but answers covering all classes are preferred.

Best Answer

Generally speaking, you are looking for high mobility abilities. The shots they fire are very slow to move, and very slow to turn. Off the top of my head:

In particular, the teleport style spells can work really well if you move directly to the other side of the ball. By the time it turns around to get to you it will have disappeared.

For melee classes, it works best if you kill off other stuff first, avoiding the bullets. If you can avoid the bullets successfully, the succubi don't do much damage themselves while you're under their effect. The bullets are near impossible to dodge at melee range. If you find you can't successfully dodge them, save your defensive cooldowns for when you get hit and try to smash them down first before trying to work through other things, but seeing as they are flying creatures they can be a pain to keep down in one place with other mobs in the area.