Diablo – Situations Where Demon Hunter would Be Better with Enchantress/Scoundrel as Follower


I'm slowly playing solo only Diablo 3 and just had the option to have the Scoundrel be my companion. Right now I'm pretty happy with having the Templar since he is acting as the melee part of my party.

However, it dawned on me that perhaps I'm being too close minded about this and perhaps I should also start leveling the Scoundrel (and/or the Enchantress once I get her). Without spoiling anything, are there cases/situations where it would help to have two ranged attackers instead of just me playing the ranged Demon Hunter and having the Templar act as a tank?

Best Answer

As a fellow DH player, I've used the Templar myself.

I'm now on playthrough at nightmare mode - and I still feel that he's the one contributing most to my playstyle.

I can't say I've experienced any situations where I'd rather have one of the other companions.