Does unlocking bitizens via the album make them available for play in the game


I've waited patiently for a few months for the Trandoshan species (my favorite!) and they haven't come, so I decided to use some bux, and unlock them and the Tusken Raider.

A week or so later, they still have yet to show up (even as elevator passengers)! So, I decided to run another test and unlock Zabrak, same problem.

I've read a theory that unlocks are the same for all players, and I today unlocked Sullustan, so my big question is; does unlocking in the album enable the species to show up and they still do not, or does it simply add their description and they will show up in the allotted amount of time?

Has anyone even had Trandoshan or Zabrak "randomly" unlock and become available as elevator passengers and/or residents? Or do we all just have to wait until they push the release button for us? My fear is that spending the bux in the album doesn't actually unlock them and locks them out from ever showing up, I have even contemplated restarting my tower out of fear that I had glitched things for myself, but I decided to post here first 🙂

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

I used a bux to unlock a Bith via the store, but under Album, the spot where the Bith should occupy is still a "?". So I decided not to purchase anymore unlocks and wait for them to happen naturally in the course of the game. Also, not one Bith showed up on their own in my building after I bought the unlock. Perhaps Biths have high moral standards and are not easily bribed? ;)

On a related note, I once used a recruiting agent to fill up all 5 spots in my new residential floor. Among the 5 is a Weequay, which had yet to be unlocked in my game. So having new species as residents doesn't automatically unlock them for the game. I noticed the same thing happened again another time, with the same result. It was only when a Weequay took the elevator that the species is unlocked in my game.

So in conclusion, I think new species are only unlocked when they take the elevator, NOT when you buy them or when they appear as residents.