League-of-legends – Are players listed by Elo on normal


In Ranked game, it is my understanding that players are listed by Elo, with the highest Elo being the team captain and the lowest Elo being the last pick.

Is the same logic applied to normal games? If I'm listed as fifth on my team, does that mean I have the lowest normal Elo score on my team or is there no particular order in normal games?

Best Answer

I don't think there any ranking in normal mode. You have your level plus number of win/loss. If order there is, it's definitely not a ELO score. (For normal game I mean)


I found this that may invalidate what I said:

The results of normal games count towards the Summoner's Win / Lose / Leaves score. Additionally, your ELO is changed according to the result, you earn points if you win and lose some if you lose. The number of ELO-points you gain or lose is calculated by an unknown formula, taking the expected result due to the ELO-values of all participants into consideration.

Source from : http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Normal_game