League-of-legends – Can lee sin be grabbed during his Q jump kick


Say I use thresh/blitzcrank and I launch the hand (or throw the chain) to where Lee Sin is flying.

enter image description here

Will I be able to grab him in the middle of his "kick flight"?

Best Answer

Yes he is targetable during the whole flight this means you could even stun him with an udyr autoattack if you are fast enough. A Blitzcrank/Thresh hook is obviously pretty hard to land on a flying Lee Sin but With a thresh E you can prevent him from dealing any damage which is actually pretty easy to time with smartcast on. Here you can see that it is possible with thresh E.

You can interrupt most dashes with hard CC. The only exception to this are dashes which renders the Caster immune to CC (Vi R, Malphite R) or that make him untargetable (Maokai W, Master Yi Q)