League-of-legends – What’s the furthest Lee Sin can travel with his W or Q


Is there a limit to the distance that Lee can travel with these abilities? We've all probably seen how a Q goes if the enemy flashes behind their team after Lee casts it a second time.

Is there a set maximum? For example, with the addition of Rek'Sai, what would happen if Lee were to W to her right before she started moving with her ultimate?

Best Answer

There is no travel distance limit.

When Lee Sin casts his 2nd Q or W you travel to the target and stop as soon as you "hit" it.

What happens depends on the travel speed of lee sin and his target's travel speed.

  • If the target has a higher travel speed, Lee Sin will follow and be dragged along the way.
  • If the target has a lower travel speed, Lee Sin will stop as soon as he "hits" the target.

BUT, the 2nd Q has a cast range of 1300!