League-of-legends – Can you use cleanse while being grabbed by Blitzcrank


This is Blitzcrank. He has the ability to grab stuff (including champions):

Blitz grabbing Ryze

This ability is a pain in bot lane.

I was just wondering. Can cleanse be used while being grabbed by Blitzcrank?

Bonus cookie: Is there anything that can stop the champion from being pulled and be used mid-grab?

EDIT on bonus cookie part: That includes champion abilities on both sides. Tho this was answered in comments, I was thinking towards skills like Anivias wall, LeeSins ulti, Alistars pulverize, Skarners ulti etc.

Best Answer

I'll answer strictly for the bonus :)

Basically everyone is right when they tell you that no, cleanse will not work when being grabbed by blitzcrank. You can't use stuff "mid-grab", but you can use certain blinks when you see him start the ability which can then land you in some pretty weird situations.

Then, there's spell-shields. Morganna, Sivir and Nocturne's spell shields block the displacement of a blitz pull.

But one thing that hasn't been mentioned:

"Is there anything that can stop the champion from being pulled"

Absolutely, Banshee's Veil will do the trick! Underrated item!

EDIT speaking of bonus cookies, check This out, lol...