League-of-legends – How does Death Fire Touch work when hitting enemies with multiple skills


Death Fire Touch deals different amounts of damage depending on the skill used to apply it. I'm most interested in what happens when playing Cassiopeia. Q is a damage over time skill and applies it for 1 second but E is single target and applies for 4 seconds.

If I hit an enemy with E to apply it for 4 seconds, is it overridden with a 1 second duration if I land a Q or will it keep the remainder of the 4 seconds?

Best Answer

Here is the wikia page on Death Fire Touch

  • Deathfire Touch is a spell effect and will only be applied to instances of ability damage.
  • The damage from this mastery does not trigger itself nor other spell effects.
  • Multiple instances of damage will refresh the duration but does not stack. & On DoTs the duration of the effect is: DoT's duration + 1 seconds.