League-of-legends – How to counter Ahri in lane


I dont really know what to look after when I lane against Ahri making the game harder to win. Which champions are a good counter for her and why?

Best Answer

Ahri is a strong pick really. You can either pick something really deffensive and just farm (if that suits your placestyle) like Galio or Karthus, or you pick something that builds tanky (since ahri has no real sustained dmg), like you said Morde, Ryze, Galio.

I know from experience that Kennen and Vlad win against Ahri, cause Ahri is really weak on the first few lvls (1-3) and Vlad can outsustain her (even after these first lvls) while Kennen can outdmg her (due to his superior autoattacks), so try these out.

Or if you really have problems against Ahri, you can try TF. He is somewhat risky, since she can easily burst you if she gets ahead, but the good thing about tf is: you can just push till lvl 6, gank sidelanes, go back to mid and push on long range with your Qs.

Edit: against a good ahri, morde will loose without the right runes. Ahri will just use AD runes and autoshot you down on lvl 1 or 2, and after the first lvls, she will ask her jungler for ganks, and there is no way a morde can escape from an ahri charm + jungler presence. So only pick Morde if the enemy has a weak early jungler!!