League-of-legends – Laning against AD bruiser Nidalee


Which champion(s) have a better chance of surviving lane against Nidalee? If you happen to not have these champions, how do you counter her?

I play her myself, so I know buying resistances is useless because she has so much sustained damage and poke with her no mana cost abilities.

Using someone like Yorick may work I suppose, but only if you have a lot of mana potions or mana regeneration runes.

How can I effectively lane against her without spending too many resources just to avoid being killed?

Best Answer

I'm assuming you're laning top lane Nidalee. Pantheon wins against her early and mid game, Xin Zhao is also considerably strong against her. That being said, Bruiser Nidalee really is a farm fest. If you play it properly, you shouldn't die against her at all, but you won't be able to kill her either.

Indications that you're laning vs an inexperienced bruiser Nidalee:

  • She tries to full clear creeps with her full w->e->q combo in cat form

Punish this. If she tries to use her full combo for clear, remember that you have 4 seconds to punish her while she's in full cool-down.

  • She's usually in cat form.

This means that she won't be able to harass you from afar. Remember, new cat form does not have extra move speed, so you should be able to punish her if she ever tries to clear wave. If she doesn't try to clear wave, feel free to push and force her to clear wave with her combo -> punish.

After the rework, while her execute damage is incredible, it's only useful if she harasses you enough to actually perform the execute. In other words, she will try to poke you down with autos rather than jump on you, as we used to do before the rework. After a couple of auto attacks (if you're at 75% health and the lanes are equal), she will not be afraid to use her full combo on you, which will bring you to about 30% health even without any damage items.

TL:DR Don't let her use her skills to farm without punishing her.