League-of-legends – How to counter getting zoned


Lets say that you're a melee champion against a ranged a champion top and they are harassing you every time you get near your creeps and you can't farm. How do you counter this other than having your jungler come and help?

Best Answer

Normally at the point you are zoned out it is too late to do much besides last hit under your tower. Because they are ranged, they can continue to harass even as you pick up those last-hits.

At that point my preferred method (without jungler help) is to back away (recall) if they are zoning me away from me turret. Buy some items and if you are not too far behind you can take the advantage. In particular and if things are very dire, buy a fortitude elixir!

I think a key point here is that against ranged champions, melee have an advantage once they get within melee range. So you really just have to pick and choose your battles and ensure you win the early exchanges as taking too much harass will just snowball the lane against you.

Remember good match ups are key so always consider that in champion select if you are running draft mode!