League-of-legends – How to counter Irelia


I'm having trouble dealing with irelia in lane. How can I counter Irelia in lane?

Best Answer

Scarra has been quoted to say "irelia is now underpowered, never picking her again"

Her sustain has been HAMMERED. If you watch matchups today, irelia is losing lane more and more after her recent nerf. She hasn't lost much midgame to late game power though, being able to tank and jump ad carries.

The hit to her early game was brutal though.

Updated answer to new question:

Irelia has been severely weakened now. If you want hard counters, I'd go with warwick, who beats most tops due to his insane sustain. Olaf counters irelia hard as well, since she has no real way to deal with repeated reckless swings. You could also go untraditional and take vlad top.

For a generic champion, you need to quickly determine a) if you can outdamage her sustain and outdamage her. b) you will get any significant jungle help

Quite a few champions can snowball over irelia if they manage to get an early kill. Irelia is really weak early levels so you can fight aggressively here. If you can't straight up outdamage her, engage, bait her hiten style and run away. When she loses her true damage, engage her again.