League-of-legends – How to play against Zilean support


How do you play against Zilean support, especially when he has Ignite?

He just seems to zone you and you feel powerless as he deals more damage to you than you can actually do back.

When he is with an ADC with a strong early game, like Lucian or Caitlyn, I really don't know what to do.

Best Answer

To know how to play against a Zilean you have to know what his strenghts and weaknesses are.

Zilean does exceptionally well in poking The enemy ADC. He has a huge range (600 on autoattacks, 700 on Q) and incredible base damage on his Q. So basically if you are a ADC with average range (550) you will lose poke trades. He can also get in and out fast thanks to his movementspeed buff which will also make hitting skillshots harder.

But there are three things about him which make him easy to counter.

  • He has no real gapcloser. Sure he's got that annoying 55% Movementspeed buff but it will be hard to get away from someone with Hard CC for him.
  • He Is incredibly squishy. As far as I know He's among the top 5 lowest base HP champions. Also his base armor isn't too great.
  • He is really mana hungry. A zilean will do good amounts of damage of course but it will also cost him a lot of mana. Unless he's running mana(reg) runes he will have trouble harrassing too often. And if he does include them in his runepage he will be even squishier due to the lack of armor/health.

Now how to play against him? You should definitely take a Supporter with hard CC (Leona/Thresh/Blitzcrank). Also a really important thing is to hit level two before him. If you are level two and he is level 1 you will have a guaranteed kill. Also if you are ahead once you will be ahead the whole game since Zilean really relies on early snowball and he will even drop off lategame regardless of how many kills he got in early/midgame.

So you could say the main key to victory against a Zilean is a successful aggressive all-in playstyle.