League-of-legends – How to survive in lane against Ezreal


Pulsefire Ezreal came out and there's been a lot more Ezreal players. He's hard to gank with just one rank in his Arcane Shift and hard to harass with his Essence Flux going over minions and slowing my attack speed. Trinity does so well on him that he can build just a Phage and survive and burst for someone like Graves. How can I farm in lane without having to worry about him killing me?

Is there a particular champion or support that counters him particularly well?

Best Answer

The best way i have found to beat an ezreal in lane is to be in a kill lane with leona, blitz, alistar, or taric and make him use his arcane shift if you know a gank from your jungler is coming by using cc on him or pressuring by harrass.

Cooldowns are ezreals worst enemy.

Graves is a very strong pick against ezreal also, because he has the gap closer and great burst that is not too dependent on attack speed, countering ezreals W. Corki is another very strong pick, you have the gap closer and armor shred because he's a very squishy AD early game. Also, the non-auto-attack damage they both have is very great.