League-of-legends – If the other team is split pushing and your team barely survives a 5v4, what is the best thing to do


Should the whole team go after that solo lane or should you just keep trying to push with your team because your team would get picked off if split up?
When does that pushed lane become a priority? Is going after that solo pusher when he's at the inhibitor too late?

Best Answer

When you are losing team fights, you need to defend (That's your first priority). With that being said, stick together as a team and prioritize your towers, you want to keep a strong line of defense, so don't try and save the farthest tower if the other two lanes are down to the inhibitors. It seems dumb to let a tower die, but if your team stays back and farms up the minions while holding a decent enough defense, you will be surprised how much the farm will help your team catch up, and hopefully win a team fight.