League-of-legends – Is it beneficial to sacrifice yourself so that your team might possibly get the baron steal


Is it beneficial to sacrifice yourself so that your team might possibly get the baron steal? Like say the enemy team is taking baron and your close enough to rush in and possible take the baron steal without smite, is it worth it? or are you just hurting your team by making it at 4v5 against the baron buff?

Best Answer

It's generally only beneficial if you are a) the jungler and have smite up and b) have current vision of the Baron so you can see the life

If both of those are true and you can properly watch how fast the health is dropping, then it is possible to jump in and actually steal it. If you can flash over, noc ult, or the BEST WAY to steal Warwick ult the Jungler when it is low and steal it then it's worth it as a way to "bring back" your team from losing.

The reason WW ult is the best way to steal is simple; WW ulting "surpresses" his target, meaning they can NOT cast ANY spells including Summoner spells. So by ulting their Jungler when the Baron is low you ENSURE he cannot smite it, and most of the time your ~800 damage smite can ensure a steal.

As a side note - if dragon is up and A and B are not true, it may be the best bet to go and steal the dragon/take a tower before backing and defending your base.