League-of-legends – Is the Dyrus/Superman leash worth the extra time


The Dyrus/Superman leash makes your jungler take basically 0 damage while starting their jungle route, but does it really make a difference in their performance?

Best Answer

The so claimed "Superman leash". You can see the how to and comments of it in the video below.

As you can see, the trick is quite simply. You walk from left to right, the mob will try to reach you from the shortest distance possible and wanders back and forth. This is a bug of logic but this is not what we are talking about here.

The point in doing this kind of leash instead of normal leash

The leash is very helpful independent of the type.

  • Hit run
  • Help in the kill (usually you are going to use this when stealing wraiths or red, so the xp doesn't matter, only the speed)
  • The Superman
  • And even when you stay for an extra couple of hits, to help in the damage.

In the normal one hit leash you don't do any damage, so what's the point?

Your help in normal leash is to AVOID EXTRA DAMAGE TO THE JUNGLER.

Following this logic, your jungler can clear the red/blue camp, that should have left him/her below 50% health (sometimes only with 10%), without receiving too much damage and give him/her the opportunity to stay in the jungle longer or even make an early gank with more health/resources.

Should I always do this kind of leash for the jungler?

Always is never good, but the answer is "as much as you can". You can also perform this kind of leash when the jungler is at blue to get the double golems by red.

But the time I'm going to lose minions at this rate

You probably are going to miss some minions (2, maybe more), but the advantage you give your jungler is huge.

As I said before, you create a window for your jungler, where he can do tons of things:

  • Clear his jungle faster (some junglers tend to wait a couple of ticks for health potions. Also he/she can stay in the jungle a little longer than usual, they can get a couple of camps that usually they don't and make a gank with a higher level)
  • Invade the enemy jungle (with the extra health/resources he'll be more powerful and have more resilience than the opponent jungler)
  • Faster early ganks (Your mid do this for your jungle while you are at a tide spot in the top lane. With the full health and the level 2 so fast your jungle can jump in and finish the enemy with you)