League-of-legends – Is waiting for Baron Nashor’s buff on enemies to dissipate still viable


When the buff still applies to the champions, it is okay to pass some time and face enemies without the additional stats.

But now, since the buff affects the minions, is it still advisable to wait for the buff to disappear if :

  • the enemy has the buff.
  • the scores are even.
  • both teams still have 3rd tower on all lanes.
  • considering that they're most likely to go all in 1 lane.

I mean should we defend and wait for the end of the buff or make some isolated kills to remove their buff?

Best Answer

It highly depends on the game, but in most cases you were ahead and that fact got you the baron buff.

Baron buff currently gives you increased Attack Damage and Ability Power (which scales over time)

That leads to the fact that you will probably will lose every teamfight. If there are a lot of minions around, you should definitly avoid to fight a team that has the baron buff.

Just try to play defensive and make picks when an enemy is out of position.