League-of-legends – What are attributes necessary of a champion to excel in 1v2 lanes


Recently in the LCS, I've seen many teams send a solo laner to deal with the duo of the AD Carry and the Support.

What are necessary attributes of a champion to do well in this environment? How can I do well (or at least, not do poorly) in this lane? What champions are able to survive and thrive against such a duo?

Best Answer

You're thinking of it wrong. You must first ask yourself : why should I be solo bot against an adc + supp?

The answer shouldn't be: "because I can sustain damage and kill the support".

When you choose to go into a duo bot lane alone, you put yourself in a disadvantageous position from the start. However, the reason you would do this is so that your normal duo partners will rock the top lane, get a fast tower, etc.

What is your role as a solo bot then? One word: farm. Don't dream awake, you won't be gently last hitting in the middle of your lane, getting creeps, hitting a champion. Should you play against me (as support), I will assure that you have no choice but to hug your tower until its down. And you won't be able to do otherwise because if you don't, we will just burst you down 2v1.

Now that I have ruled this out, some advices:

  • Get a champion with good sustain (lot of life, regen, heal, etc)
  • Get a champion that is good/fast farmer: you will need to be able to clear your waves easily and under tower. AoE spells will help.
  • Having some crowd control can be good: you can punish a champion that wants to come too close to your tower

Range or melee? I think that in this situation, it won't matter very much. Range may help you get some fresh air, by attacking the enemy duo more often. But if both are ranged too, that may be difficult. Melee champions will have the advantage of being able to farm correctly under the pressure of the lane.

In your situation, a good pusher/bruiser would be the best choice. Which one strongly depends on the enemy duo team.