League-of-legends – What are the categories of League of Legends champions


I'm thinking about picking up LoL, but my only experience with the game is briefly watching friends play. Could someone quickly/simply categorize the champions in the game? My understanding is that there are many (a growing number) of champions, but can champions be categorized by types?

Best Answer

Yes the champions can be categorized by types and roles, as the types are less i shall start with them. de facto there are two types of champs.


these champs have each an affinity to one of the following, even though each will be set with any champ, and depending on how the "affinity" is mixed (sorry not native english speaker) they are given different roles


usually ranged champs are not affine to absorbing damage.
melee champions who specialize in damage-soak and have lots of Crowd Control (disabling the enemy) are usually called Tank. Their job is to protect the Carry a (usually ranged) champ either specializing in abilities (AP-Carry/Caster) or auto-atacks (AD-Carry)

champs who specialize in dealing damage to the enemy Carry are called Bruiser or Assassin. these champs usually have some skill to close up onto the Carry and deal quite some damage to kill him quickly.

The big difference is: Bruisers are more like Tanks and Assassins are more like Carries

There are also champs who are designed to provide lots of Utility to the team. they usually have Buffs and Heals at their hands and are called Supporters.

Likewise to DoTA there is a Jungle in LoL. Champions who can (not must) sustain well and have a high Ganking-Potential (meaning they can Crowd-Control and / or close gaps well) are called Junglers. a Jungler usually is either a Tank, Assassin or Bruiser

Final Conclusion:

There are 4 major types of champions:
1. Carry
2. Tank
3. Assassin/Bruiser
4. Support