League-of-legends – What type of AD carries matches up well with Lulu


I am interested finding out what type of playing style and type of skill sets would work best with Lulu when it comes to matching her up with a ranged AD carry.

Is she better suited for an aggressive ranged AD carried that can get up in the enemy's face like Graves? Would a Champion with AP ratios on their skills like Ezreal and Tristana benefit better from Lulu's support?

Best Answer

When it comes to pairing a ranged AD carry with Lulu, you want to consider a champions range and kit. Why? Well as support Lulu, you'll be maxing your E first, similar to Janna. It provides your carry with a safer shield, but more importantly it gives them your pixie for a stronger auto attack! This doubles as a target nuke, which means you dont have to worry about landing a skill shot.

In my opinion, the best setup for Lulu, is Tristana. You can abuse her range combined with pixie auto attack damage, AND when you hit 6, you are given extreme CC/Damage potential. Tristana jumps in, Lulu ults her, everyone is popped up, Tristana knocks a target back, etc. Granted this is only for lane, but I still am quite fond of the combination.