League-of-legends – When do you use Doran’s Blades in top lane on a Bruiser


I like top lane. I watch streams to help learn and I sometimes see the same person building dorans on say… Olaf instead of a phage or warmogs. When do you go for dorans over bigger items?

Best Answer

This strongly depends on the match-up and how well you're doing. If you're against someone who you can trade against easily and always come out on top in said trades getting a Dorans will generally be a better idea because it'll improve your damage more than low level alternatives. This is generally true if you're playing a champion that hits harder versus a more tanky champion that doesn't deal as much damage. Say Riven versus Cho'gath for an example, Riven would probably want to grab x2 Dorans before going into her build to give her more damage potential on Cho'gath since she normally comes out on the good side of trades.

Alternatively, if you're getting bullied pretty badly you can always go for Dorans items (they're fairly gold efficient), though I'd probably recommend getting a Wriggles because of higher sustain and the damage reduction. A lot of top lane is knowing your preferred champion's match-ups and how well he/she trades against their enemy in lane.

For a little bit a math on Dorans Vs Wriggles I'm gonna add a link to another answer on here. Just for Context: The question is about Dorans Vs Wriggles on an AD carry, but the math still applies universally. https://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/59537/7494

Additionally, if you get fed early and can afford beefier items you should almost always go for those, but getting Tier 2 Boots, x2 Dorans, and a cheap defense item at low levels will almost always be better than trying to save for a 1.5k+ gold item early.

Hope this helps :)