League-of-legends – When does the Laning Phase end and Team Fighting/ Getting Objectives begin


I feel like it is an instinctive aspect of the game, but I was wondering if there was a, for lack of a better word, "formula" in which a team starts to group up in order to push to win.

Best Answer

Hmm, a misconception is that you have to have a teamfight. League of Legends allow you the flexibility to capture objectives without ever having to teamfight. A simplified case could be one team trying to baron, and the other team decides they can't contest baron so they push a lane hard. After baron, the team decides they lost too much to try defending, so they will go push a different lane themselves and it's a base race. No teamfights, no anything else.

Ultimately the laning phase ends when one team decides to group up (generally mid) and take a tower as an objective rather than going for dragon/baron. At that point they are saying, "We are not going to just farm the lane anymore. We want to push to your nexus. Try to stop us." The other team then has to decide to ignore it (generally ill-advised since a 5-man team at this point can easily tower dive, win a fight 5v4 or 5v3, then push as 5, while one champion is not going to be able to push as fast by themselves or even as a 2 man.

Getting objectives "phase" is always happening until one team won through surrender vote or the nexus is destroyed. Objectives in League of Legends can be broken down simply as: 1) Destroy enemy Nexus 2) Destroy enemy nexus towers 3) Destroy at least one enemy inhibitor 4) Destroy at least one enemy inhibitor tower 5) Destroy at least one middle tower 6) Destroy at least one outer tower 7) Gather gold and experience to help you accomplish the above objectives

This is the simplest and minimum requirement of the game. Ultimately you want to destroy the enemy nexus, however it has a prerequisite that the inhibitor must be destroyed and both nexus towers are destroyed. To destroy an inhibitor you first have to destroy the tower protecting that inhibitor, and so forth. Gold and experience are your resources to help you accomplish the objectives. Everything else, supports that as champion kills, CS, dragon, baron all does just that for you and your team.