League-of-legends – When should the jungler buy the oracles instead of the support


When should the jungler buy the oracles instead of the support? What are the advantages and disadvantages in terms of gold distribution between the two and the allowed aggression with the added penalty on dying?

Best Answer

Often, supports, due to their nature as 0cs champions, run out of gold to purchase both wards, oracles, and the items necessary to survive. If a team's support is weak either from lack of gold or being denied experience, then it can be extremely dangerous for the support to go anywhere on the map where enemy wards might be. This can be rectified by giving the support an escort, but even so, the support will typically be weak, and runs the risk of getting stunned, snared, or even one-shotted by champions with strong burst damage.

During the early game, oracles is actually much more potent on a jungler than on the support because the support will typically be confined to bot lane protecting the carry, with an occasional trip to clear and ward dragon. The jungler, on the other hand, by nature of the role, will be wandering the map and covering significantly more ground. Junglers are also, as a rule, tankier than supports. While Alistar, taric, and nunu all have the potential to get fairly tanky, they will still typically be easier to kill than almost any jungler.

During the mid and late game, it is often better to have the oracles on the support simply because if the enemy chooses to use their burst on the support during a team fight, then the rest of the team can typically take advantage of the enemy's poor target selection. Killing the jungler, however, has far greater consequences for team fights, since it makes it nearly impossible to contest baron or dragon without smite.