League-of-legends – When should the jungler leave the kills to the lanemate


When ganking my lanes in the laning phase of the game, when should I leave the kill to the lanemate (assuming the kill is safe and the enemy won't get away)?

There are some junglers, like Alistar, with whom I always leave the kills to them (since Ali Ganks live from the CC and not the dmg), but what about more DPS like Junlgers like Nocturne for example?

Best Answer

The first rule for that is always: It's better anyone gets the kill than noone gets the kill, so don't risk someone escaping with 5hp just because you thought the other guy had his gap closer ready when he hadn't.

The second rule would be: Know the item builds of your teammates.

Who gets the kills depends on which champion is more item dependant.
As an example if you are a jungle bruiser like Lee Sin you are usually more item dependant than most tanks in the top lane, so you can make better use of the extra gold. If you are a jungle tank like Nautilus and the top lane is a bruiser, let him take the kill if the opportunity arises, the extra gold will help him win the lane.
As an exception, if the tank top laner requires an early item for higher efficiency, for example Tear or Manamune on Yorick, leave the kills to them until they have completed that item.

For mid and bot, always try to leave them the kills if there is no chance for the opponent to escape.