League-of-legends – Why buy a Ninja Tabi


Seeing a bunch of high elo games with the new spectator mode (games include hotshotgg, chu8 etc..), I have seen more people are using the Ninja Tabi boots over Mercury Treads.

Tanks, bruisers etc.. are not even picking Tenacity items, is this a common meta on such elo nowadays?

Isnt tenacity a must have item on all Elos?

Best Answer

Tenacity only matters if you get subjected to a tenacity-able CC effect. On teams which favor mostly knockups or suppressions as their hard CC, for instance, Tenacity is useless (as it doesn't reduce knockup or suppression duration).

This brings us to our second point: don't go into games with your heart set on a specific pair of boots. Adjust your build to best combat the team you're fighting against. Folks don't not buy merc treads because Tenacity is useless (it isn't), they buy Tabis instead because they are more useful against the opponent team.