Mass-effect – Android app to increase readiness


So readiness can be increased through apps—are they only available on iPhone/iPod/iPad, or are they also available on Android? And what do I need to search to find it on the Android market? (Using an Xperia Play) If not available on Android, will I miss out on much by not using the app?

Best Answer

No, Mass Effect: Infiltrator and Mass Effect: Datapad are iOS only.

You're missing on a few weapons/Intel by not playing Infiltrator, and you're missing out on ways to increase Readiness from both.

This isn't really that big of a deal because it's been intentionally designed that you don't NEED readiness to get any of the achievements or endings in the game, it's just easier to get the "better" endings. Note that you can also increase readiness from Multiplayer, which also increases readiness very fast.