Minecraft – “Child-proof” storage for Minecraft multiplayer


The Situation

I am playing multiplayer Minecraft on PS3 with my young child, who loves to craft new things from the easy console version crafting interface.

Sometimes I leave for a mining session, to find when returning to our house that my kid has created a dozen golden shovels, or diamond helmets.

The Questions

Is there a way to get back the rare ingredients for those crafted items?

Do you have suggestions to store rare items in a location not easily accessible to other players (but still relatively easily accessible to me, an experienced player)?

Best Answer

Best way to do this would be to create an ender chest, this chest is separate for each player, meaning only you can see the items that you have placed inside.

Although, this does mean that your kid could put items in the chest that you wouldn't be able to see, so just make sure that you put all of your rare items into the chest.

crafting recipe

wiki page: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Ender_Chest