Pokemon-go – Lower CP but higher damage? (My confusion over attack damage )


I have two Goldducks:

enter image description here

They have :

Compat Power 1432 : (this one was from powering up then evolved Pysduck)

enter image description here

Compat Power 1256: (this one caught in the wild)

enter image description here

My question is which one will produce more damage to opponent in fighting?
To be honest till level 16 I had never realized all of these values since I though Compat Power will mean everything.

Best Answer

From this website, looking up the entry about Golduck, you'll find the following values:

Standard moves:

Water Gun 12 damage per second

Confusion 9.93 damage per second

Special moves:

Hydro Pump 23.68 damage per second

Ice Beam 17.81 damage per second.

So, by looking at your first Golduck with the move Water Gun 6, and seeing that it deals 12 damage per second, this tells you, that you can use Water Gun two times per second. Confusion on the other hand deals 15 damage but has "only" 9.93 DPS, so therefore it takes 9.93dps/15d = 0.662 seconds. Therefore, Water Gun is faster, and also deals more DPS.

That's the way to calculate how fast a move is, and now that you know it, you should be fine.

Nevertheless I suggest you to keep both, as it depends highly upon your situation whether you want to have a Hydropump or an Icebeam. Icebeam is especially useful against Dragonite.