Pokemon-go – How to throw a Pokeball far in Pokemon Go


Recently, I caught a Pidgeot after roughtly 50 pokeballs. However, most of the pokeballs were simply not closing the vertical gap between the bottom of the screen and the pokemon, which is higher for certain pokemon.

I experimented with different speeds and release times with my finger, but I'm still not sure exactly what works best.

I'm looking for some tips on how to throw farther, or otherwise how to proceed in this situation where I can't throw far enough to hit the pokemon. (So I'm not asking about how to throw accurately or how to improve my catch rate.)

I'd prefer answers that work when AR mode is turned off, both because some phones can't use it and because throwing accurately is easier without it.

Best Answer

In my experience I just swipe the full length of the screen really fast and it goes pretty far. Also a little trick is that after a Pokemon breaks out once it tends to move farther back so if you leave the battle and try to catch it again it resets back to being closer. Just be careful that if it takes too long and you back out the Pokemon might despawn and be gone.