Pokemon-go – keep or transfer the duplicate Pokemon to affect wild Pokemon’s CP


I wonder how wild Pokemon CP is calculated and on what is based on? I listen it's based on the maximum CP you have (for this type of Pokemon?) but I'm not sure about that.

So my question is, do I have to keep all my duplicate Pokemon to have best results and remove lower when I'm full or do I have to keep only the best for each?

Best Answer

You have a MAX CP which is based on your trainer level. What you usually do is just transfer the lower ones of your pokemon group (same candy group). Even better is to evolve some of them then trade (evolve is +500Xp). I keep the best of each until the best ones get beaten by a higher level CP of the same pokemon (EG: pidgey (96 CP) vs Pidgey (168 CP), trade the 96CP pidgey).