Ps4 – Can not marry or move children after removing mod


So I had a Khajiit mod on my PS4 Skyrim Special Edition and ended up marrying one a Khajiit.

I had to remove the mod due to some problems. I knew that my spouse wasn't going to be there anymore but I thought it'd act as if they were never there. Instead…I cannot marry nor move my children to my home in Solitude.

How can I fix this?

Best Answer

Mods don't exist entirely separately from the base game, such that it's nearly impossible to predict what will happen if you remove them. On PC it might be possible with the developer console to clean up a bit, remove 'stuck' entities (actors) like the children here and force them to move or remove them entirely, but on the PS4 edition it's next to impossible. The way I see it you have 4 options here:

1. Leave the children as-is

It sounds like they are in some sort of half-way state following the removal of the mod. You could simply live with it if their presence is otherwise benign.

2. Re-enable the mod, then try and remove them

Re-enable the mod and load the previous save state, then move them to where you want. Disable the mod again and they should be in the new location.

3. Load an earlier save

Specifically, one before you had children in the first place, or one before you added the mod.

4. Start a new game without the mod

The only real sure-fire way to be free from any of the mod's lingering effects is to have a 'clean' save state without any of the mod's changes.