Starcraft – Can StarCraft 2 be played offline


I've always thought that Starcraft 2 was Always Online, but I was talking to a college today and I found out there was an offline mode which just lacks access to achievements or custom maps (like I care for either).

I've boycotted StarCraft 2 when I read that it was Always Online play because I don't want my main gaming powerhouse connected to the internet.

So does StarCraft 2 require any net connection to start a single player game? I'm not going to waste money to buy it only to learn I can't play it.

Best Answer

Starcraft 2 can be played offline, as long as you have logged in at least once.

Attempting to log in without an internet connection will give you the following screen:

Screenshot of "Can't Connect to" prompt

Playing "Play Offline" at this point will allow you to:

  • Play all Campaign and Challenge missions.
  • Play Custom Games vs. the AI
  • Play Any Arcade maps you have previously played (or can otherwise be found on your computer).

You will not be able to:

  • Earn Achievements
  • Earn Experience for your Starcraft 2 profile
  • Play LAN games, or otherwise invite anyone else into custom games.