Starcraft – Lagging with theself


Since my internet connection is being very slow lately, making online play difficult, I've been gunning to get a few of those achievements in SC2 that I've never bothered with, mainly the custom game ones. This involves setting up custom games against only AI opponents.

However, even when I play these custom AI games, when there's nothing to lose and nothing to prove, I'll be lagging with myself. I even came close to getting disconnected in a few games. The only human opponent involved is myself; how can I be lagging in this sort of situation?

Best Answer

All games on 2.0 (which SC2 uses) are hosted on Blizzard's servers, hence your lag. Only when you are playing in offline mode are the games hosted on your own computer. You can play offline by selecting the "play as guest" option on the right hand side of the login screen instead of completing the normal login process. If you are playing in offline mode, then unfortunately you cannot earn any achievements.