Starcraft 2 Micro Techniques – How to Micro Stalkers vs. Zealots


I'm trying to micro a few stalkers against a few non charged zealots.

I see a lot of players move their stalkers away, then hit, then move away, then hit, and so on.

How do they micro as such? Do they use the Move, Stop, Move, Stop commands, or some other technique?

When I try to do so, it really seems like there's a lag between the time the Stalker stops and actually attacks. But when other players do it online, they attack as soon as the stalkers 'stops', seems like they're not even stopping…

Best Answer

Move, then attack-move away, then as soon as they attack, issue a move command followed by another attack move. They won't stop moving until they can fire their shot. Then they will fire instantly and you are free to move them again and repeat.