Starcraft – What’s the best way to save your workers from hellion harass


I usually select all my workers and right-click around my base, trying to run them away from the hellions.

The problem with this is that they tend to get clumped up, occasionally getting pwned by hellion flames.

What is the optimal strategy for saving your workers?

Best Answer

A few days ago there was a topic on TeamLiquid about a new technique. I'm not fully convinced on how good it is in practice, but you might want to check it out. The topic is also featured on the TL main page, which gives it some weight.

TeamLiquid - Saving Your Workers From Hellions


Select all workers, press Stop, hold F1 down and click in a circle around your base, each worker will go into a different direction.


Just watched ROOT.Catz losing on his stream because his almost all-in banelings couldn't kill anything due to a split that looked a lot like this.