Steam – find out what data is in the Steam Cloud for the games


Out of idle curiosity I'm interested to know what files the Steam Cloud contains for my games.

Is there anyway of seeing this information, either via a Valve website or an application that maybe uses Steam API's to interrogate the cloud?

Best Answer

There is a simple way to do this. All it requires is that you download the games through Steam.

After a game is downloaded, Steam will by default sync data from the Steam cloud to your computer. It also maintains an index file over the files being synced. It is easy to understand by opening it in a text editor.

Finding the Steam cloud index files

<Steam install folder>\userdata\<Steam ID>\<Application ID>\remotecache.vdf

Steam install folder: Defaults to "C:\Program Files\Steam" on Windows. You might have placed it elsewhere when you installed Steam.

Steam ID: If you only ever logged into one Steam account, you will only have one folder in the userdata folder which corresponds to your Steam ID. If not, you can find it in various ways. One way is using

Application ID: You can find this by looking at the URL of the game's page on the Steam store, or use a service like (you could also do reverse lookups by searching for the appid there).

Understanding the Steam Cloud index files

Here is an example of the save file sync settings for my Torchlight game:

        "root"      "0"
        "size"      "41558"
        "localtime"     "1327594410"
        "time"      "1327594409"
        "remotetime"        "1327594409"
        "sha"       "eae12f0e95dc5d5c65c18cd2991eb04d54714f30"
        "syncstate"     "1"
        "persiststate"      "0"
        "platformstosync2"      "-1"

As you can see, the file in question is named "saves.cmp". It will be located in a folder specified by the "root" setting. I haven't researched on all possible locations, but "0" indicates that the file is located in a folder named "remote" in the same folder as the index file, "1" indicates the game's install folder (which you can get to with the "browse local files" option from steam), and "2" indicates your documents folder in Windows.

All you then need to do is go find the files specified by the index files :). This method is all manual, but I believe it answers your question.