Where has the Khajiit Caravan gone


Before I did the stormcloaks/imperials quests a Khajiit caravan was located outside of Whiterun. After these quests, they are no longer there, do they ever come back?

Best Answer

Yes! (And note that their presence has no direct relation to the Civil War quest lines.)

There are three groups of Khajiit traders that travel between the cities of Skyrim. You'll have encountered Ri'saad's band outside Whiterun, and may find him again near Markarth; the others (led by Ahkari and Ma'dran) can be found between Riften and Dawnstar, and between Windhelm and Solitude, respectively. They'll set up camp by a city for a few days, then move on to the other.

Ahkari is notable as one of his crew, Kharjo, offers a radiant quest and can be recruited as a follower upon its completion. Additionally, if you're interested in the Thieves' Guild, a quest chain obtained via the guild's 'additional job' quests can unlock fences within all of the Khajiit caravans.

Source, and summary (thanks Trent Hawkins)