Why does the Templar awareness meter background stay red


Sometimes in this game I'm just running around as a garden variety cold blooded mass murderer, but sometimes I commit the unspeakable crime of… purchasing property

I frequently find myself at max Templar Awareness, which causes the meter to have a red flashing background. If I do something to reduce it somewhat (bribing a witness or assassinating a herald… wait, I might have that backwards… sorry heralds 🙁 ), the background of the meter stays red. If I can manage to bottom it completely out, it goes back to black, however.

So to summarize:

  • at 100%, the meter is flashing red
  • Once it's been to 100%, but before I do enough to make it 0%, the background stays red but stops flashing.
  • At 0%, the background goes back to black, and stays that way regardless of my awareness, until I hit 100% again.

Is there anything different about the second state versus the third? Should I be completely eliminating my awareness any time it hits the max in order to avoid some penalty?

Best Answer

When the background is red but not flashing, your assassin dens are at risk of being invaded by templars. Personally, I found the den defense mini-game to be quite annoying. As such, I tried to always keep my templar awareness at "anonymous," which is the third state you described. All you need to do is assassinate a few officials and/or bribe a few heralds; I considered that a small price to pay to avoid den defense missions