World-of-warcraft – Account was hacked and leveled.. What do I do now

world of warcraft

I've never touched MoP but I was going to give it a whirl a couple days ago when I noticed I was banned. Went thru the process of getting it fixed and now I'm level 88 with (only?) 8k gold and old gear still.

I don't know if I can tank (warrior): I still have ZA/ZG 'epics' and my non-tank gear is still ruthless stuff.

I was, for some reason, in a WoTLK map when I logged in so I don't know where to go. Where should I level at 88 and is the tank gear I have, gold I have decent to run thru the new dungeons?

I'd like to not make anyone mad, ha.


Best Answer

Your gear is okay to head to the correct zone in Pandaria for a level 88. I'd recommend that to be Kun-lai Summit or Towlong Steppes. You'll replace the gear pretty fast with quest greens, but it won't stop you levelling in the mean time. Regarding 8k gold, it isn't a great deal, but it will buy you the necessities and then more. You'll be fine tanking the current instances.

In order to get back to Pandaria, you need to head to either Stormwind or Orgrimmar (depending on your faction). There you will be able to take a portal to Jade Forest in Pandaria.

I suspect the hacker didn't level using quests, but just by farming mobs. Probably a bot doing this. You might not have any flight paths to the desired zones, so you might have to spend some time trekking across Pandaria. It shouldn't take too long. And quests should be available when you get there. Hope that helps.