World-of-warcraft – Getting back into PvE

world of warcraft

I just had a break from WoW when the PvP season ended and I came back this week. I want to get back into raiding but my lvl 90 Ele Sham has terrible 475 gear. How can I get back into raiding as soon as possible?People say timeless Isle, but without gear the killing of the mobs requires double the effort. Is there no other way of getting my gear up quickly? Without the forming of raids to get old gear?

Best Answer

By far the easiest way to push up your current ilvl is to visit the Timeless Isle.

The first thing you should do is collect all the one-time chests. A great guide for this can be found here. In the unlikely event that this guide does cease to exist, what you really need is the map which is included in the guide and a quick Google will find you that. This should net you a fair amount of gear tokens which can be used to create a piece of 496 ilvl gear for your current specialisation.

Secondly, the island should still be very busy. On a moderately populated server, you will still get large groups of players roaming the island looking for rare elites. Killing these also have a chance of dropping the gear tokens that the chests dropped. You can actually trade the tokens between other players who killed the same rare as you, so you might be able to bargain with people if they get the token that you need.

If you see any groups fighting any of the four celestials, tag it for another chance at some loot. If you have extra loot roll tokens, use one on this. Older world bosses are still killed and are still worth killing. You might want to try (or the US equivalent) to find groups for these if they are hard to come by on your server.

There are a few one off quests on the island which will also give you a token or two. Try completing these whilst opening treasure chests and chasing rare elites.

A fairly rare item named Burden of Eternity can drop on the isle. These can be combined with a gear token and this will produce an ilvl 535 "Timeless" piece of gear. You do get one guaranteed Burden of Eternity from one of the chests (Blazing Chest [7] on the map).

Apart from that, if you have other level 90 characters, you can repeat the chest process on them and send these tokens to your main as they are Bind on Account.

It is worth doing a Heroic Scenario a day for a chance at ilvl 516 gear, including weapons.

You will need 496 ilvl to queue up for Siege of Orgrimmar LFR.

Hopefully that starts you on your way back to PVE! Enjoy!