World-of-warcraft – In World of Warcraft, how to do the torch catching quest

world of warcraft

I'm in the city of Stormwind in the Mage Quarter where I talked to the Master Fire Eater. The 2nd quest in his training is for you to light torches, throw them up in the air, and catch them four times in a row. However, I can't figure out how to do it. What I can figure out is that standing near the big bond fire is sufficient to light the torch, and to throw them I only need to click on the button that appears next to the objective on the right. However, after that I am at a loss what to do. How does the mechanics of the torch catching work? How do I know if I caught the torch? Is there a counter to tell you how many in a row you've caught?

Best Answer

You must juggle with the torch. When you throw it, try to follow it and to stand where you expect it to land. If you are close enough to the land point, you will "catch" it, and it will bounce instead. If you weren't close enough, it will burn you for some of your HPs. Movement abilities such as Sprint or Blink may help.

Make it bounce four times in a row, and you win.