[RPG] Can the Mending cantrip affix any surface to any other surface


Mending (5e cantrip-spell) has these limits:

  • that the damage must be a break or tear

  • the damage cannot be any larger than 1 foot in any dimension

  • the spell cannot restore lost magical properties

One (entrepreneurial) player of ours suggested that ANY two unrelated surfaces can be seamlessly bound, providing both surfaces were of materials formerly broken or torn (ibid). This spell does not specify any previous relation / connection – nor is Mending a Divination spell (this magic could not know which surface belonged where previous to a casting). In fact, this spell would not even know what was 'torn' and what wasn't – implying ANYTHING could be seamlessly welded onto virtually anything else.

We pointed out we have friends in StackExchange and he would not see the last of us / this was not over / do not rest too easily &/or comfortably.

He went on: 'even with any StackExchange requiring specific torn-relation necessity, one merely need affix unrelated parts first, with any glue – once said glue is broken one is ready for a Mending weld-meld'. Example: take two polished steel parts… add Elmer's® Wood Glue… let dry / snap connection… NOW you can set-weld these two parts perfectly with a magical Mend. (Unrelated: our DM went mildly non-linear at this proposition.)

Quick &/or Dirty Summation:
How related must two surfaces be in order to connect-affix-meld a square foot seamlessly with the Mending spell?

Best Answer

Mending doesn't create new bond; it restores a broken one

The answer by Exempt-Medic already covers the basics: Mending repairs a single break in a single object, not multiple breaks in multiple objects. However, I want to answer the part of your question about affixing two objects together by first gluing them, then breaking the joint and fixing it with Mending.

So, let's take the specific example you gave, in which you glue together 2 polished steel parts with wood glue. First of all, I'm not convinced that wood glue will even stick to a smooth polished steel surface at all, but that's a real-world question, not a D&D rules question. So for the sake of argument, let's assume wood glue can weakly affix 2 steel surfaces to each other.

So, you create your combined object: 2 steel pieces glued together by a very weak joint of wood glue between them. Now, you break the 2 steel pieces apart at this weak joint, and then you cast Mending to put them back together again. What do you get? Well, here's what Mending actually does:

As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage.

In other words, you undo the damage that caused the break or tear, leaving you with the same object you had before it was broken apart: 2 steel pieces glued together by a very weak joint of wood glue. You definitely don't get 2 steel pieces magically welded together, unless that's what you started with.

Mending is a limited "undo button"

Here's another way to think about it: Mending is like an undo button. It can revert an object to a previous state, provided that the object's current state differs from that previous state in a specific way (i.e. the difference must be a single small break or tear). Mending can never put an object in a new state that it hasn't been in before, such as creating a welded steel object from 2 steel pieces affixed with wood glue.

So yes, in a certain sense, Mending really does "know" whether or not the two pieces you're trying to join back together were originally part of the same object, because it is only capable of joining them back together if they really are pieces of the same object. Just like how Hold Person "knows" what is and isn't a humanoid, in the sense that it only works on humanoid targets. In both cases, the spell doesn't really know the difference; it just fails when you cast it on an invalid target.