[RPG] Can you True Polymorph yourself into an object


Can you True Polymorph yourself into an object? Or would doing so break your concentration on the spell?

Best Answer

You lose concentration on a spell if you are incapacitated.

There is nothing that explicitly says you are incapacitated while you are an object, but it is quite clear that you are.

The incapacitated condition says:

An incapacitated creature can't take actions or reactions.

Notably, a creature that is only incapacitated can still use its movement. An object is... just an object - that cannot take actions or reactions. The Dungeon Master's Guide defines an object as:

a discrete, inanimate item.

You are incapacitated, nay, worse than incapacitated - inanimate. And the rules for concentration say:

You lose concentration on a spell if you are incapacitated

So you can true polymorph yourself into an object, but you would immediately drop concentration.

To be clear, this is not RAW in the most strict sense, hence my opening statement: there is nothing that explicitly says you are incapacitated while you are an object.