[RPG] Do the exotic languages contain digit characters


In the PHB, they have "sample alphabets" for a few of the exotic languages (everything that isn't "common"). For example – the Draconic alphabet:

Draconic alphabet - PHB p. 123

They suggest these are "sample" alphabets only, so do they have characters for digits in these alphabets as well?

Side note: to clarify, I am perceiving the use of the word "sample" as only part of the character set, not as a suggested character set. If this is incorrect please do inform me.

Best Answer

In general, the other languages within the Forgotten Realms do have numerals. For example, the Draconic Alphabet with numerals can be found on the Forgotten Realms Wikia.

Though I could not find written Primordial or Supernal alphabets, given that the other written instances of alphabets have numerals, I think you are safe to say they all do.

However, I think you are wrong in your interpretation. I do not think they are saying that this is part of the Draconic Alphabet, but rather a possible Draconic Alphabet (in particular from the Forgotten Realms), and neglected to include the numerals due to space constraints.