Vampire the Masquerade: Does a Vampire’s Appearance Remain the Same Forever?


In Vampire the Masquerade, the book states that a vampire does not age and is clinically dead. The Child flaw also states the following:

You were a small child (between five and 10 years old) at the time of your Embrace, leaving your Physical Attributes underdeveloped and making it difficult to interact with some aspects of mortal society.

In my group we have had discussion about the subject and interpreted these statements in the following manner: "A vampire awakens each evening looking the same as he did when he was Embraced."

What I would like to know is: are there any sources backing or refuting this interpretation?

Best Answer

Explicitly so.

As said on page 16 of the 20th Anniversary rules:

Once a vampire is Embraced, her looks are frozen in time. Her skin will be unnaturally cold to the touch and become paler as she ages, but she will look the same in a thousand years as she does on the night of her Embrace.

In fact, there's even a Tremere Thaumaturgy ritual (Rebirth of Mortal Vanity) that does nothing but cause a vampire's hair to grow.

The only things that can permanently alter the appearance of a vampire otherwise are those that result from magic, the Embrace, or the various curses of Caine, as @Flamma details in his answer.